June 29, aku, boy (hehe), cha (brserta adknye, boy n frens) g City Square. knonnye nk mraikan ri jdi cha la. mle2 agk ssh gak nk pjuk n ykenkn mk. but then, pjuk pnye pjuk, smpai la die nek bosan, bru la die bg kua. hehe. sukses! :D
we met at Jusco around 12pm. then g ngan bas lam kul 12 sumthing la. smpai around 1pm. then trpkse brpsah ngan cha coz boy die ssat lak (nek moto. btw, die bkn dak cni). ktorang msuk then trjumpe ngan (a guy). my boy talk talk la with him. then g food court, boy maw mkn. aku da mkn kt umah.
we bought our movie tickets; Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen. agk pnuh la gak. out of couple seat (rofl!!). it was a good movie la. i enjoyed it. funny, more action, scene2 sdih n 'aneh' :P x jmpe cha pun. die da blik dlu. diorg just g karaoke jep. trlpe n sje xnk amek gmbr wlupun nk. aiyaa.. well, the conclusion is; it was a date between me n boy la. rofl
n yea, I had so much fun :)

Hello people!
Salam. jemah tahu blog jemah tak gojes tak maket macam blog uolls. tapi iolls tak kisah huahua. blog ni tempat kaki kaki repek dann tempat kongsi maklumat.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday, boy-fren ;D

yea. Happy belated 17th Birthday, Luqman :D
not much 2 say. smoge pnjg umo n murah rzki ye. soz la xde hdiah. I gave u an mms, a pic of durian n i sang the "happy birthday" song but then u said ur fon have no mms. aiya xD btw, smoge hepi slalu n tabah lam mghdpi dugaan ye (korg x thu cte, diam je. hehe)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Happy Birthday, my bestie! :D
27th of June, Siti Noraisyah bt Abdul Rashid was born. At the age of 13, we knew each other. n skrang da msuk 4 thun kte kwn, darl. die seorg yg funny, friendly, ske nynyi, kdg2 mnykitkn ati gak :P most of all, die caring n baek :) i love you soooo damn much, my best friend, cha. I wanna wish u the best Happy 16th Birthday. smoge ko pnjg umo, murah rzki,n smoge friendship kte brkkalan! n cpt2 la insaff ye. wahuhaa~
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My school gone WILD !
Dulu, tahun 2005, time bru msuk skola, everything's just fine at the school. cm skola baek la. mklum la skola bru kn..but now, 2009, mcm2 da aku dgr;
The latest, ri tu kt kntin nmpk sorg dak bru (laki) ni cm pndg2 badi kt dak2 form 5. pe hal ntah ngan mte die tu. brpnyakit gak nye (oops!). then lpas nek rht, time ict. aku jln sorg nk g computer lab. otw, nmpak dak2 rmai SANGAT! I was wondering y. lam ati da pke, "ni msti psl dak xdi ni".n mmg btul pun. aku nmpak dak xdi da kne usung ngan bbrape org. pengsan la tu. ngan ckgu pun huru hare. plik aku mnengoknye xP
Soal pnye soal, bru la aku dpt thu. die kne pkul ngan dak2 form 5 (the reason is undefined), even die da pengsan, diorang msih pjak2 pale die. then lpas da usung smpai pjabat, dak tu bngun then nk g blik tmpt xdi. pehh! sngal btul. then dak2 laen pnggel die msuk pjabat. then pe jdi aku xthu la..
- curi nset ckgu
- curi ksut (converse)
- curi duet (aku pun pnah kne. almost every (certain) day die bongkar beg aku)
- gado (lbatkn org lua pun de)
- bohsia (yg pregnant pun de)
- mnum arak
The latest, ri tu kt kntin nmpk sorg dak bru (laki) ni cm pndg2 badi kt dak2 form 5. pe hal ntah ngan mte die tu. brpnyakit gak nye (oops!). then lpas nek rht, time ict. aku jln sorg nk g computer lab. otw, nmpak dak2 rmai SANGAT! I was wondering y. lam ati da pke, "ni msti psl dak xdi ni".n mmg btul pun. aku nmpak dak xdi da kne usung ngan bbrape org. pengsan la tu. ngan ckgu pun huru hare. plik aku mnengoknye xP
Soal pnye soal, bru la aku dpt thu. die kne pkul ngan dak2 form 5 (the reason is undefined), even die da pengsan, diorang msih pjak2 pale die. then lpas da usung smpai pjabat, dak tu bngun then nk g blik tmpt xdi. pehh! sngal btul. then dak2 laen pnggel die msuk pjabat. then pe jdi aku xthu la..
aku xthula jnis cmne lak gnerasi yg akn dtg. hurm
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Father's Day, Abah :)
B4 nk story pnjg lebar, this is some info about my dad.
Yesterday, was Father's Day. ktorang x g mne2 pun. ktorang ngan abah mmg jrg bersame. cakap pun jrg. bygknlah, aku ni malu nk ckp ngan abah sndiri! smlm ktorang g Sutera Mall jep. shopping for groceries, n just for a walk. n that day abah ekot same. wlaupun se-simple tu, tp aku rse tu la ari yg best. engatkn nk bli sumthing ntuk abah tpi dunno wat n when he's around, it's not a surprise anymore la xP
Then he paid for them. JARANG SEKALI! huhu. costs around rm100 jep. mle2 dlu me, sis, n mom planning nk bwk 1 fmily including abah g restoran My Friends (some sort of 4 stars restaurant in Kempas ), at last we ended up at KFC je lorh :P engatkn nk mkn c2 tp abg de prob lak (left the car key in the car). so bgkus, mkn kt umah je lorh
- Yaacob b Mat Daud
- Pasir Mas, Kelantan
- April 01 1956
- Pensyarah @ UTM, Skudai
- pendiam, slightly funny, suke bwk ktorang g jln2, tnang
Then he paid for them. JARANG SEKALI! huhu. costs around rm100 jep. mle2 dlu me, sis, n mom planning nk bwk 1 fmily including abah g restoran My Friends (some sort of 4 stars
da kt umah, ktorang mkn best2. walau bg korang ni cam bese bg korang, tp bgi ku; mmg SERONOK sgt :D
Monday, June 15, 2009
Last Holiday
Last cuti, aku x g mne pun. just balik kmpung aku kt kelantan jep - for sminggu lbih. it was ok la. dgn spupu2 aku yg gle, mmg sronok :)
- kak ayu
- munirah
- adam
klu dri cni ke sne, amek mse lam 12jam. yea! mmg leh cramp bntot! lps kua dri kete je bru rse lega cket. 1st day, (x engat ri pe. khmis or rabu i guess) stay kt kmpung blah mk kt Machang. n the rest of the day, aku stay kt kmpung blah abh aku kt Pasir Mas. hehe. xde la.. kt kmpung Machang busan la. org tue jep. klu kt Pasir Mas, de la geng.
everything goes just fine. atok n nenek aku both sihat jep. cme atok aku a bit annoying la. hee. slame aku kt kmpung, aku xde g mne sgt pun. ktorang g KB (Kota Bharu) Mall for window-shopping. and ri len2, ktorang just duk kt umah jep.
almost everyday ktorang bli eskim kt kdai sblah. twice or thrice a day smpai kn aku dmam n selsema. hehe. then ktorang g kdai runcit (jao cket) ekot jln kmpung. ktorang sesat nk trmsuk lam htn tpi smpai gak. mmg memnatkn tp besh!
ktorang slalu lpk kt lua, tgk jln rye kt dpn umah yg slalu je bz smbel borak2. and ble mlm tbe, ktorang slalu borak2 sblum tdo. ktorang ske ngrut. we acted like lesbo. haha. ble da kul > 12, bru la ktorang tdo. hee.
on the last day, it was so sad to leave them. they said " nok kelek doh la demo ni.." or in malay means da nk balik da diorg ni. ktorang packing2 and bersalam2an. then balik ngan akk n hubby with their baby. ktorang brtolak kul 1 lbih, so smpai pun lam kul 1 lbih la. 2 ari lps tu da start skola. aih, busan btul (-.-)
everything goes just fine. atok n nenek aku both sihat jep. cme atok aku a bit annoying la. hee. slame aku kt kmpung, aku xde g mne sgt pun. ktorang g KB (Kota Bharu) Mall for window-shopping. and ri len2, ktorang just duk kt umah jep.
almost everyday ktorang bli eskim kt kdai sblah. twice or thrice a day smpai kn aku dmam n selsema. hehe. then ktorang g kdai runcit (jao cket) ekot jln kmpung. ktorang sesat nk trmsuk lam htn tpi smpai gak. mmg memnatkn tp besh!
ktorang slalu lpk kt lua, tgk jln rye kt dpn umah yg slalu je bz smbel borak2. and ble mlm tbe, ktorang slalu borak2 sblum tdo. ktorang ske ngrut. we acted like lesbo. haha. ble da kul > 12, bru la ktorang tdo. hee.
on the last day, it was so sad to leave them. they said " nok kelek doh la demo ni.." or in malay means da nk balik da diorg ni. ktorang packing2 and bersalam2an. then balik ngan akk n hubby with their baby. ktorang brtolak kul 1 lbih, so smpai pun lam kul 1 lbih la. 2 ari lps tu da start skola. aih, busan btul (-.-)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
She's gone :(
May 31, around 9pm, I still remember the night before it's death. I was outside playing with the kittens. It was breezy cold. The kittens meows loudly, begging to let them out of the cage; just like usual. I fed their mom and let them out to play. There's only 2 kittens was born by Alien (the name of the cat; it is because it came to our house and we took it as our pet). 1 of them is playful and active while the other 1 is quite, love to be alone, but yet friendly. I didn't give them names yet so I'll assume the playful 1 as Black, and the quiet 1 as Stripey.
Black is like always, she ran out of the cage and don't know where to begin. It was like "I'm outside and.. what am I going to do??". She played with her mom, scratching the newspapers, tried to climb up my shirt etc. While Stripey slowly went out of the cage and walk slowly under the car. She loves to be in the dark. Then I took Stripey and let her sleep on my lap. It was easy for her to sleep compared to Black. She kept on looking around, looking at me and.. ohh.. it's so hard for her to shut her eyes and go to sleep (-_-) I could see Stripey breath so hard.., harder compared to Black. Then I've been thinking.
Does she have a lung problem? Will she survive until she's old enough to have kittens? I can't think much. What is better than warm balls of purring fur sleeping on my lap?That night was so sweet. The breezy air comforted me finely. I would really love to sleep outside with them but I know it's impossible. It was so nice to just relax and look high up at the sky. It is so hard to find stars these days. I looked at the time on my mobile phone. It's getting late. Then I look at the kittens; they slept cozily on my lap. It's making me feel so hard to let them go and put them in the cage again; but I have to. I slowly lifted them and put them in the cage. They awoke; But then they fell asleep again. I left both of them in the cage and get into my house.
June 1, around 10am, I woke up from my sleep. I had my breakfast and watched the tv. After a few hours, I went out to take a look at the kittens. Black kept on meowing; she wants to get out of the cage, but Stripey just laid down on the cardboard. She seemed to breath so hard. Then I saw her 'crawling'. It's not even crawling; she can't move her feet. Then I open the cage door and I lifted Stripey onto my hand. I observed her. She seemed to be a bit flat. I told her to be strong-minded.
"Please, dear. You could take it. You could survive. Please.."That's what I've been saying to her.
I looked at her for a long time. She seemed like there's no more hope to survive. I cried for several times. Sometimes she cried so hard that made me feel so.. uhh. I can't bear my tears. I don't even know what is actually happening to Stripey. I stared at her for several times. Black and Alien acted like usual. They didn't know anything. They're just cats; they don't have hearts nor feelings (I guess so).
On the evening, I took a look at the kittens again. Stripey is in the same condition. I prayed for her recovery and healthiness. I cried again that time. After that, I left them. I kept on thinking about them. Later that day, I've found that Stripey left me forever. She seemed to be stonned and not moving anymore. When I lifted her, she still in the same position. She's not breathing anymore. I admired her. My feeling was trully shattered.
I dug a hole beside my house. I buried her by myself. It was the old grave of another cat before. After all done, I mourned her for some time. It was so sad to lost a cute, friendly cat like Stripey.
Every time I remember about Stripey, I'll cry so hard.
Hope you're just fine there; even you're just a kitten.
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